RemBind Utilized to Successfully Remediate 1,500 metric tons of PFAS Contaminated Soil in Australia
AquaBlok, Ltd., the exclusive North America distributor of the PFAS remediation technology, RemBind ® (RemBind Pty Ltd), is pleased to distribute information related to the successful demonstration of effective full-scale remediation of PFAS contaminated media.
Construction at the former fire training area at the Royal Australian Airforce Base in Townsville, Australia led to the generation of 1,500 metric tons of PFAS contaminated soil. Limited space at the Airforce Base necessitated offsite disposal as the remedial option. RemBind®, a proven powdered PFAS-immobilization amendment was selected to prevent PFAS from leaching out of the soil when disposed in the landfill.
Soil Treatment Site
RemBind at a dose of 2% by weight, was mixed into the soil using an excavator with water added to settle dust and provide transport of the PFAS from the soil to RemBind. After a fixation period of 24 hours, validation samples were collected and assessed for leachability by a certified laboratory.
Results showed that the PFAS leachability was reduced by more than 99% and met the stringent landfill disposal criteria. The treated soil was then safely disposed to landfill with full signoff from local authorities. Immobilization proved to be the most economical treatment
AquaBlok, Ltd is proud to be the exclusive North American distributor of RemBind, which continues to be an industry leading technology for addressing PFAS contamination in soils, sediments, and surface water. Visit our library of PFAS case studies at (link to PFAS case studies).
About AquaBlok, Ltd.
AquaBlok, Ltd. is a manufacturer of composite materials utilizing its patented coating and amendment approach. Our company has a long history in the environmental industry and provides a range of products utilized in sediment remediation and groundwater treatment applications. Contact us to learn more about how RemBind could be utilized to address PFAS issues at your site.